Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chicken Caesar Salad

I love salads during hot days, and it was 31°C in my area. So I decided to make Chicken Caesar Salad. My lucky day, the local supermarket offered bbq chicken for only $6.49 each, so that's settled.
My recipe is really simple, instead of croutons, I used honey mustard pretzels I bought from Costco, they'd make a tasty combination, here is the recipe.

Chicken Caesar Salad

1 bunch Baby Cos Lettuce - torn
a handful of Honey Mustard Pretzel - coarsely crumbed
1 single Breast Bbq Chicken - sliced
Caesar Salad Dressing
Grated Parmesan Cheese - for garnish

Put lettuce, pretzels & chicken in a bowl, put the dressing according to taste, toss them around and garnish with grated parmesan cheese. Bon appétit.

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