Tuesday, June 11, 2013

10 Good Reasons For Not Attending Your High School Reunion

High School was the best years of my life. We studied, laughed, played, sang, watched movie, ate, partied and travelled together for 3 years. My days were filled with people I truly liked. I'm not that pretty or popular, but I made lots of friends that I enjoyed being with. If you ask me 5 years ago, of course I would love to see those old faces and rekindle those feelings again.

Unfortunately, due to some recent events, my perspective of high school reunion has completely changed and I'm reluctant to go.

Here are 10 good reasons for not attending your high school reunion:

1.       You Live Overseas
Even if you want to go, you cannot just leave your current commitments to fly miles away from home to attend the reunion.

2.       You have Facebook
With every single high school friends are on Facebook, everything you want to know about them is already available. You know how they look like and what they are up to. So there’s just a little mystery left to catch up in the reunion.

3.       You are still connected with your best friends
The main reason to go to the reunion is to see your best mates, but if you are still in touch with them, everyone else doesn't matter, so why go.

4.       There are too many reunions
Reunion should be like 10-20 years apart, not every 3 years. In this case, we can see the difference in people. If there are too may reunions, you would probably see the same faces and same old stories. What’s the fun?

5.       You want to avoid awkward moments
There would be some awkward and unpleasant moments when you don’t know what to say anymore.  The air is filled with awkward silence and part of you just want to go away.

6.       You want to remember high school memories the way it was
Your memory of high school is very sweet when everyone is just so nice and friendly. As time goes by, people might change their appearance, attitude and status. Some people have become skinnier, fatter, bolder, nastier, nicer, richer or poorer. You are reluctant to these changes and want to keep high school memories the way it was.

7.       You don’t want to see the jerks
One bad apple could really spoil the barrel. There are some jerks that you could run into in the reunion and destroy your mood. Why risk it?

8.       You have some old scores that has not been resolved
Events that happened back in high school or even after which makes you reconsider if this is worth going. It’s better to resolve this issue before you decide to attend the reunion.

9.       High School is the thing in the past
What you were in high school is totally different from what you are now. You have moved on and high school is just the thing in the past.

10.   You think you are underachieved
You don’t want to listen to you classmates talking about his/her successful career or wonderful family while you are just an ordinary stay at home mum/dad or unmarried/divorced. 

So, if those reasons don’t apply to you, just go and have a jolly good time. Good luck!

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