Monday, October 22, 2012

Stir Fry Udon with Prawn

I'm going to start sharing my recipe here, I have been cooking since I got married and being mum with 3 kids with many different taste buds, I need to think of a meal that all family member could eat. Cooking to me needs to be simple, easy to make and fast, without sacrificing the taste and the nutrition.

This meal is really simple and quick to make. It's a star to my dinner yesterday!

Stir Fry Udon with Prawn

300g cooked prawn - peel
4 packets instant japanese fresh udon
2 stalks celery - cut to 1 cm length
1 red capsicum - cut into strips
2-3 stalk spring onion (shallot) - cut to 1 inch length
2 cloves garlic - finely chop
1/3-1/2 cup light soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
2-3 tbsp canola/vegetable oil

Put oil in a large pan/wok, stir fry the udon and separate them until all loose. Put the garlic and stir fry for while. Put the celery, capsicum, prawn, soy sauce and sugar, stir fry them until all combined and cooked. Put the spring onion, stir fry for a while and turn off the stove. It's done!

For vegetarian, you could replace prawn with carrot, mushroom or broccoli.

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